Produzent Mosteiro Schuerer
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - So 9°°-18°°
Dauer: 6.6.2019 - 14.6 2019
Ort: Süddeutscher Kunstverein Jesingerstr. 8 72119 Reusten Tel 0176 / 328 11 340


7 students from the University of Hildesheim in cooperation with 6 students of the Bauhaus University - an excursion to the Ammerbuch

6.6.2019 - 14.6 2019

Presentation of the excursion results

In each case 5 students of the Bauhaus University Weimar and the University of Hildesheim will be guided by Simon Frisch and Stefan Krankenhagen as part of an excursion in the surroundings of the Bergcafe Reusten and the Süddeutsche Kunstverein.

They stay one week working on the term Nature Porn or "At some point I decided that everything is alien and everything is new, and everything is undetected."

The presentation of the results will take place on Thursday 13..2019 18 °° in the Süddeutsche Kunstverein

Süddeutscher Kunstverein
Jesingerstr. 8
72119 Ammerbuch


For the painter Ruskin for the nineteenth century designed the utopia of the innocent eye, through which the subject could 'just' perceive beyond cultural imprints, the writer Handke asserted the ever new view of the ever-old world: "At some point I decided that everything is alien and everything is new, and everything is undetected. "EarthPorn, on the other hand, can be understood as the transformation of the innocent gaze under mass-media-responsive conditions. In a kind of digital hyper-realism, the idea of ​​a sublime nature is revived on Instagram and Tumblr.

In the arts and media, John Ruskin, Peter Handke, and Earthporn have a longing for the innocent description and staging of natural conditions. Whereas in the 19th century the painter Ruskin designed the utopia of the innocent eye, through which the subject could 'just' perceive beyond cultural impressions, the writer Handke asserts the ever-renewing view of the ever-old world: "At some point I decided to that everything is alien and everything is new, and everything is undetected. "EarthPorn, in turn, can be understood as the transformation of the innocent gaze under mass-media-responsive conditions. In a kind of digital hyper-realism, the idea of ​​a sublime nature is revived on Instagram and Tumblr.

The excursion will focus on the practical exploration of the innocent eye in the arts of the media present. This requires a double distance: away from the cities and away from the art world. The Bergcafe Reusten fulfills these conditions in a special way. Located to the west of Tübingen on the Swabian Alb, since summer 2017 it has been run by the Hildesheim cultural scientist Daniel Schürer as a restaurant, exhibition space and social venue. Schürer himself is an artistic curator and maintains spaces in Brussels and Hildesheim, Porto and the Isle of Skye with a provocatively innocent look at objects and the art world. His South German Kunstverein in Reusten will serve as an exhibition venue for the excursion. All forms of media mediated staging are possible.

Stefan Krankenhagen